How it began: An initiation into the motorcycle life

Why Not

It began with a question.  “Why Not“.   An old bike, some motivation, and a few dollars along the way.   A 1980 Suzuki GS550 that was sitting dormant for a decade in a garage in my home town. Coincidentally it was my fathers garage.. It had a half full tank of gas , bent handlebars from falling over once, and about a pound of dust.

There is a saying, “you regret the things in life you DONT do, not those that you do“.   This , at my young (middle age) point in my life became a theme.  So.. “why not”.

Immediately began to disassemble this dusty relic and attempted to bring it back to life.   With credit to countless YOUTUBE posts on motorcycle repair, care racer builds, and general motovlogs, i had all the tools i needed to pull it off.    My garage was morphed into a repair shop, design studio, and  even paint booth.

In a few short months, and lets  just say “some” money,  the old Suzuki came back to life.   The steps and details fill come later on..

At the same time, i needed to become legal.  I quickly enrolled in an MSF course provided locally and set my target on hitting the road ASAP.

One year later, a few thousand miles, and a few more additional repairs, reflecting back on this project,  i have realized that the question should have been “Why did it take so long?”

This blog will dive into the psyche of those of us who find comfort, solitude, peace, and even motivation from that two wheeled friend.   Call it what you will, mid-life, middle-aged, in our prime, or simply looking for life.  Ride On