BEWARE THE PILL- Not the one you are thinking of.

You’re getting older. Things ache , hurt, and throb.  You know to avoid those heavy prescriptions .  OPIODS..Effective medications taken by nearly 12 MILLION people in this country according to HHS.  We see the stories on the nightly news and even President Trump loops it into his agenda.  The Crisis .  However we also need to be worried about ibuprofen and the other popular NSAIDS.   NSAIDs include a group of popular  OTC medications such as Aleve  and Advil.  They are effective at easing inflammation and cutting down on the pain of riding that two wheeled pony you have sitting in the shed.   It turns out that our draw to the pill includes these OTC favorites.  So much so that we are abusing them.   Taking larger and more frequent doses than considered safe.       The risks of NSAIDs are nothing to dismiss:

Other Options

We need to keep riding.  Enjoying the open road, the wind, the road, and the sun in our faces.  How can you safely ease the pain in your hands, back, wrists, and even your head from riding all day?

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) can relieve the pain.  Its not effective at handling the swelling or inflammation, but it can make your day better.  Just beware,  exceeding the safe dosages for this medication cause cause issues such as difficulty passing urine and potential liver issues.  Worsened if you enjoy a bourbon as an after ride beverage combined with the Tylenol.

Also consdider Biofreeze for the swelling and arthritis symptoms you have.  Its been a staple in Physical Therapy and Rehab Clinics for decades

There are other options besides ibuprofen..Natural/herbal ones that you might consider:

  1. Ginger
  2. Capsicum
  3. Tumuric



Those miles add up.  Your joints are going to hurt. If you know how to deal with the aches and pains that pop up, you will be able to keep riding with a smile instead of a grimace.

Ride on .