Top 3 Ways to Keep Comfortable on your bike.

Enjoyment comes from doing many things.  Catching a 9 pound bass, seeing your team win a Final Four game, and most definitely from riding you motorcycle.   Comfort is something that impacts all things.  If its 100 degrees out and you’re not wearing sun protection and a flannel shirt trying to catch that 9 pound bass, your comfort level will be low.    If you’ve downed a six pack and just polished off a dozed blazing hot wings , your stomach will remind you of what discomfort feels like.   On a motorcycle, to truly enjoy that time on the open road , you need to be aware of a few key things to keep you comfortable.

Keys To Comfort

  1. Posture is everything.

  2. Before you even twist that throttle, find the sweet spot.   move forward, back , side to side.   Consider this your moto yoga.   Getting yourself to a relaxed state that allows you to find the right balance of control and comfort.     We sit all day in our cars, at our desks, and at the dinner table.    We  have issues with posture in all of these locations.   Your motorcycle is no different.   Take a deep breath, sit up  , relax your shoulders.   After a few hours, you’ll be glad you were aligned and not tucked in like your were riding the Isle of Man TT.
  3. Its in the hands!

  4. Technically, it’s the hands, wrists , and elbows.    You may be using your hands and arms to guide your bike on your daily adventures, but that doesn’t mean you are arm wrestling Stallone in Over the Top.   Open and close your hands a few times and keep a relaxed grip .  Too tight and you’ll be grabbing for the Advil about 30 minutes in.   Too loose and you’ll get stopped by the police for possible DUI.    There is a sweet spot.  Find it.   Keep your elbows down.  A relaxed posture will have your elbows in, not flailing around like a chicken.
  5. Dont loose to the cool.

  6. It doesnt take much a temp drop to have you forgetting # 1 and #2.   A pleasant 50 degree day may seem like a good time to bust out the Anthrax T-Shirt and cruise around, but keep in mind, the faster you go, the colder you’re gonna feel.   There are some handy tables out there that give you an idea about the wind chill effect you might be facing.  For example,  on a 50 degree (F) day, you’ll be experiencing a wind chill effect of under 40 degree (F) if you push your speed up to over 60 mph.

Ride more, ride safe, and ride with comfort.