A lesson from Deadpool about the future of motorcycles. Four or five moments.

All it takes is 4 or 5 moments.    Its a line that Deadpool decided to remember in Deadpool 2 when trying to impact the life of a troubled child.   The motorcycle industry is that child.   They are desperately trying to stay relevant and stay cool .  “it feels good to be a gansta” (Deadpool reference)

A Google search for Motorcycle will show you new that is about 95% death and tragic life altering accidents.   The remaining 3% are columns and write ups on how doomed the motorcycle industry.   Catchy headlines like “Will MILLENNIALs SAVE HARLEY??”.   Maybe , just maybe 2% are articles of progress, updates, new models, and technology.    The news feeds need the drama.  Feel good motorcycle columns don’t get readers, deaths and accidents do.

Those of us who ride understand the  WHY.  We know why , in spite of all those accidents and all that news coverage, you still see us on the road.   I’ve written prior posts on the appeal and WHY.

The conditions are right currently for there to be a steady and severe decline in motorcycle culture.  Four or five moments, that all it takes to understand. To understand WHY we will continue to see a decline.


  1. Younger generations only know organized sports .  They dont have time to just play.   Running or biking at the park, going on adventures, or taking dare devil leaps off a low hanging roof.  This results in waves of young adults that only know how to work and work out.   There is little to no time to just have fun.   They dont seek it out.   A motorcycle is the ultimate FUN item for many in the United States.
  2. Its not cheap.    Discretionary income is needed to get into and maintain this activity.   Helmets,  boots, gloves, valve checks, tires, and even INSURANCE.   People are more and more strained.  Those that are not are so afraid to take that risk they don’t put that money towards motorcycles.
  3. The appeal is very segmentized.   Meaning to “like” motorcycles you have to (or at least pop culture would have you beleive) be a rough bearded blue collar ex-con,  an artistic thrift shop loving hipster, or  an over testosterone infused tool .   In a word. STEREOTYPES.      HONDA has done a good job trying to pitch the modern bike to a modern  midlifer.


Fix the cost, the stereotypes, and the way we get OUT AND ENJOY LIFE.    When those things happen, things will improve for sure. If not, maybe we can travel back in time and stop some of the dumb marketing that took place ..


Ride on.  Ride Safe