How big is your ape??

This is the year.  The beginning of a new revolution. The APE revolution.   From the low rise drag bars and low rise Z bars to standard issue cruising bars.   The last decade has been more about aggression and testosterone.   Thank you Sons of Anarchy.   In the coming months, we’ll see more and more previews of the spin off MAYANS M.C. With that, we’ll see a surge in the popularity of those oh so high hanging bars—APEs

A Not So Historic History Of Ape Hangers

The first record of ape hangers showing up with around 1954, in Paris France.  The early motorcycle crowd of cafe racers decided their personal grooming and hygiene habits were catching up to them.    After all those hours of racing from cafe to cafe, they realized they needed to stretch out and air out those pits.   The high rise ape hanger was born. The breeze blowing away all the troubles and smells.

Ok , maybe not.

We do however associate the ape hanger with a relaxed and laid back riding style.  Thinking Easy Rider and 70’s bike culture.   There are however different degrees of apitude.

A quick search on Amazon will show you  everything from 9 inch, 12 inch, 14 inch, 16 inch, and even 18 inches of rise.

So, the question is, how big is your ape???

As we get closer to the kick off of the new motorcycle trend for the suburban midlife cruiser crowd, keep an eye out for an every increasing elevation.

If it gets more guys (and gals) out riding, the ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALRIGHT, as long as they keep it low and slow , all is good.

Keep riding and stay safe. Whatever you ride, just live it.

Low rider, Donny, Low rider