July is all about two wheels and mad skills. Bring on Le Tour

Its just about that time.  This time every year that everyone learns the word ALLEZ!   The Tour de France.


On July 7 , the annual OH-MY-GOD cycling race returns and for one solid month, the world falls in love with all things two wheeled.   Names like Trek, Specialized, and BMC become household names.    Nearly 200 riders will begin this more than 2000 mile ride.   Over plains , city streets, and mountain passes, this race will leave all those who bother to stay tuned.   Teams of highly skilled riders will ride in formation for hundreds of miles each day.Wait a minute, this is a motorcycle blog, why am i focusing on Le Tour?

SKILLS.  Mad Skills

If you play close enough to the riders, you’ll see body postures such as counter steering, knee dropping leans, and even the oh my god wide turn that ends in  ditch.   While noticing these riders, you’ll realize that the video /tv footage of this race is taking place primarily thanks to our favorite two wheeled machine, the motorcycle.   Adventure bikes, sport touring machines, and even naked bikes might be seen along this route.   Imagine yourself riding your Dyna on a narrow two lane road with a pack of 50 skinny guys on bikes almost as expensive as your Harley going just as fast.

Mad Skills

Accidents to happen.  If you watch long enough, just about every day, there will be a single rider and even packs of riders that go down.   There may also the occasional motorcycles that take a spill.    All in all , these bikes show control that would make those racing through the Dragon’s Tail jealous.

This year, tune into NBCSN.   When??   EverySingleDay. Beginning July 7th.   Once it kicks off, you’ll likely get sucked into the speed, the competition, and the extreme level of fitness these athletes present.    Once you’ve done that, start counting motorcycles.  What’s the most common bike?   Biggest ? Smallest?