Three things to help you tolerate the heat on your next ride.

It’s the heat of  August and in the

Midwest, there is a saying that sums up the heat.



Coming off my recent cross Kansas ride i can fully attest to the impact that heat plays on you physically and mentally.  Calm and tranquil in the morning which only morphs into stressed and strained in the afternoon, even to the point of worrying about my safety.  99 Degrees and 20 mile per hour winds blowing me all day made me feel like I was roasting.  Not a fun spot to be in.

The reality is, heat is something we have to deal with and it can cause the following symptoms:

  • Faintness
  • Dizziness
  • Muscle Cramps
  • Heavy Sweating

You can imagine that while riding, anything that decreases your control and safety while riding is a BAD THING.   A long ride can be brutal enough without adding to the mix with heat exhaustion.

Managing the Heat

  1. Admit that its hot!   You wont be looking cool if you’re losing control going around the curves.   The first step to responding to the heat is admitting that you need to do something about it. Be PROACTIVE.
  2. STOP MORE OFTEN.   You’re our riding, so there is no rush.  The joy is in the ride, not the destination.   When its hot, allow yourself more stopping points to rest, recover, cool off, and hydrate.  HYDRATE doesn’t mean a bucket of cold brews.   Water or a beverage designed for loss of electrolytes (Think GATORADE or POWERADE)
  3. Dress for the heat.   That doesn’t mean ditching the gear.   All that will do is cause you to dry out like of piece of deer jerky in the summer sun.   Look for breathable fabrics and specialized , cooling wraps.    They can provide a added cooling for your head and neck.  In my case, i found simply washing my face off with cool water and getting my shirt wet helped.. This might be just enough to keep you comfortable.

Stopping to cool off might be one of the best things you can do.    Other riders are doing the same.  Stop, strike up some conversation, and create a memory.   Going too long will only make you less safe and more likely to have an accident.

Admit it.  Its hot as balls out there and you need to take steps to keep safe.


Keep riding.  Stay safe.