Is your bike sitting idle this winter?

What you need to do to maintain your motorcycle this off season.

Winter can be tough on motorcycles, so it’s important to take proper care of your bike to ensure it’s ready to ride when the weather gets warmer. Here are a few tips for maintaining your motorcycle during the winter months:

  1. Clean and wax your motorcycle: Before storing your bike for the winter, give it a good cleaning and apply a coat of wax to protect the paint and chrome from the elements.
  2. Change the oil and filter: Fresh oil will help protect your engine during the long winter months, and a clean filter will ensure that your bike is running efficiently.
  3. Check the battery: Cold temperatures can drain a motorcycle battery, so make sure it is fully charged before storing your bike. If you have a battery tender, you can use that to keep the battery charged during storage.
  4. Check the tires: Check the tire pressure and inspect the tires for any damage or excessive wear. If the bike will be in storage for an extended period, place it on a center stand or paddock stand to take the weight off the tires, that prevent flat spotting.
  5. Cover it up: Use a breathable motorcycle cover to protect your bike from dust, dirt, and other debris.
  6. Store it in a dry, temperate place: Try to store your motorcycle in a dry place, such as a garage, to prevent rust and other forms of corrosion. Avoid storing the motorcycle in a damp area or one that gets below freezing temperature.

By taking these steps to maintain your motorcycle during the winter, you’ll be able to enjoy a reliable and well-running bike when the weather gets warmer.

Additionally, it’s not recommended to run the motorcycle for short periods or keep the engine running for heating up or keep the battery alive, It will lead to condensation inside the engine which can cause rust and corrosion.