Selection Sunday: City ride or Country ride

The Big Selection (aka left or right)

This weekend marks a pivotal point in our yearly journey. Not which team is going to the big dance(GO KU!), but which direction should I go?   IT’S SELECTION SUNDAY!

A selection must be made .   What decision will be made?

The path out of your garage can lead you on a city cruise with frequent stops and starts and the occasional obscene gesture. It could also lead you on an isolated lonely road miles away from anything. Which one will it be??

What are the advantages to staying local?

  1. Staying within the city allows you to be part of the bigger picture.   The flow and the momentum of traffic.   You will “Be Seen”..
  2. Distractions are everywhere.. In a moment, you could be finding yourself at a local coffee shop and the next minute touring an antique shop.   Creativity will flow like the Mississippi river on a spring day.
  3. You are much closer to help in the event that unplanned events disrupt your day (engine failure, chain, tire, sudden spring tornado)

What are the advantages of leaving the metro behind?

  1. Out of site/Out of mind.  This could the the best reason to get out of the city.  No top lights, no pot holes, no soccer moms (or dads) , and no stopping every block for a light.
  2. Opening up your engine.  If you only run you bike in the city, you’ll rob it from a chance to clear out the build up that takes place in fuel lines , valves, and combustion chambers.   15 seconds of higher RPM in the city will do nothing to “clear out the cobwebs” .  Getting on that open road and holding steady at 60, 70, and the occasional 80 mph will give your engine a new lease on life.
  3. Less likely to CRASH.  With every intersection and stoplight, you increase your chances of getting hit.   Weekends especially are riddled with carefree driver and inattentive drivers.   Getting out of the city gets you away from them.

There may be days that a quick city ride is exactly what you need and other days that freeing your mind of the prior weeks clutter may be more important.   The point here is that there is a choice to make, yes, but at the end of the day the benefits of your ride will have resulted in many possible life events.  Meeting new people and experiencing new places are only two of them.

Get out and ride.