Stress management on two wheels; April is National Stress Awareness Month

April  is National Stress Awareness month.  Since 1992, this special month has called attention to one of this country’s worst health problems.

Stress is an ugly thing.   A little bit of it can motivate you and drive you.   Too much of it can cripple you and even cause your health to deteriorate.     Midlife brings on many things.   Financial stress,  teenagers, work/career stress, and even family changes.  Caring for a  parent, sibling, and even spouse.
It all builds up.

You can find countless books on stress, happiness, and dealing with life.  If you’ve never checked one out, having one in your collection may be a good thing.   Presence , by Amy Cuddy is one example of a logic based and easy to read guide on getting through rough days.   There are many others, but know that self awareness is a key factor in keeping your mood in check.    Once it does start to build, its important that you have something to call upon to help you get through it.


You could meditate, do yoga, workout, walk, go drink , or even shop for a new tattoo..  The resource i prefer to keep in my back pocket is of the two wheeled variety.  there is something about jumping on a motorcycle, turning that key, and starting her up that instantly puts a smile on my face.   Like Rocket from Guardian’s of the Galaxy getting his gun.   OHHHHH YEAH……

Stress is about holding onto one thought in a negative cycle for too long and not  taking action , but letting that thought build up in you head.   Adding fear, self doubt, panic, and even anger to your vocabulary.   Thirty minutes on a motorcycle,  stop light to stop light, open road to open road , or wherever you may end up will for sure do a few things:

  1. Clear those thoughts out.  You cant be thinking about too many things while riding.  Not at least doing it safely .  Safety on two wheels is about attention.   Giving your attention to something OTHER than what’s stressing you out will lower your stress factor
  2. FUN Factor.   The rush or good vibes that hit you when riding are not imaginary.   Its those wonderful things called ENDORPHINS.
  3. Get some sun.   The health benefits of a little sun are also widely known.   Without sun, our serotonin levels drop and can be a factor in your piss poor mood.

Life is too short to let stress run you down.   Work in some two wheeled time and put a smile on your face.