Stress will deplete your reserves… How to make it to the weekend on an empty tank.

via Daily Prompt: Deplete

Is your tank on E

April is National Stress Awareness Month and being midlife this is even more important than we realize.   The stresses you experience immediately deplete your energy level and motivation .  The work week has you feeling depleted and out of gas, both mentally and physically.   What to do ?

With every issue , every confrontation, you deplete your reserves.   The best way to handle that is to have an outlet.  For many of us, motorcycle life is that outlet.   I’ve already written about the rush, the endorphins, and the sunshine.  What about the cold days?   The motolife can be a stress reducer on those days as well.

Idle Time

One of the best ways to relieve stress is with a hobby.   On those cold days, assuming you have a garage to keep your baby in.  If not, maybe just read  a book  like Bill Gates or  play golf like Donald Trump.

The weather is so far not cooperating in the Midwest, but that doesn’t mean that you have to abandon your hobby.  Pick a repair and dig in.   Keeping your mind busy on  something other than ..WORK.   Simply twisting a wrench, turning a screw, or swinging that socket can give you just the break you need to declutter your mind.

Once you’ve tackled a motorcycle task, be it an oil change, spark plug check, brake job, or something else basic to the “well being” of your ride, you’ll find an immediate release of stress.   THe benefit comes from the task its self and then the satisfaction that you were able to complete the job  without  anyone yelling at you.

Stress is a beast.  It will deplete you  if you let it.   Take a few minutes and get busy or go for a ride.  Its not something that has to wait for the weekend.

Ride more, ride safe, and keep your stress level in check.