A Slight Lean To My Day

Ever so slowly,  push down on my bars and with a slight lean, I find my line.   Every ride includes this subtle two step process to making it though a curve.   Regardless of where it is, what is going on around me, or what my concerns are.   I push, I lean, and a then  come out on the other side with a smile.

The work work is like that.   You approach an event or stressful situation and you can put the brake on , too much maybe and crash .   Come in too fast and you’ll crash.   Take the wrong line and again, you may crash.   Ever so slowly, on your approach to stress, you push down and lean.  You will come out on the other side with a smile.

Too often we let our emotions or stress levels guide our responses.  When we do this, we fail to follow our safety rules.   Brake before the curve, pick a line, lean in, and roll through it.   We don’t approach the curve like a bat out of hell yelling to our self that we can’t do it and then all of the sudden down shift, grab the front brake and pray we don’t die.

Even this weekend, while out on a quick de-stressing ride, i witnessed that very thing.   A sport bike rider coming off the highway going through the intersection turning right in an outside lane.   Speed was either too high or he had a bad line.   The end result was a simple low side .   Rider error 100% .  Luckily for this young man, he emerged with only what I can imagine a bruised ego and maybe concern about his baby.   Plastic fairings don’t take kindly to crashes..
Approaching the turn with intention and a sense of calm would have made the difference.   Slight lean and safe lane.   You will come out on the other side unscathed.

Don’t run into that corner with your engine roaring.   Don’t run into the office yelling out a list of grievances.   Slow , steady , slight lean.   You will enjoy the ride all the more.  Maybe even learn a new route.  Keep riding.


via Daily Prompt: Slight