What’s old is new. Back to the future with Honda CBX

We are mid life. The future is upon us.   We pick up on all the old things becoming cool again.    MidlifeMoto fanatics know the sound of a DeLorean hitting just the right speed.  You know that speed.  88 MPH!   GREAT SCOTT!

This month back in July of 1985 marked the release of some of the coolest movies we as midlifers had to guide down the road.

These movies had it all.  What we thought it was like to be a middle school kid.   What we thought high school kids looked like/acted like.   And  freedom we thought everyone had.   Usually a cool car or a BMX bike (2 wheel reference) and a killer soundtrack.

These days, movies like those would have such filtered scripts, changed perspectives, and political undertones, that they would get passed over.   Back in the 80’s, they represented the youth.   Look at how we evolved.

Now that its 2018, we have another glimpse of something that is a stand alone.

The CBX!

A 1000cc , UJM bike produced by Honda at the end of  the 1970s and just into the early 80’s that boasted not the typical 4 cylinder engine, but 6.   All lined up and flashing their legs for the world to see.  To call this thing a flagship would be a disservice.  Thats not a ship, but a space station!

Even today, if you are lucky enough to see a CBX at a bike show, it will quickly catch your eye.  You will immediately ask:  What does that thing sound like?

The answer.… like the devil playing an electric guitar while running through New York at 3:00 am.

Future Time

Recently, Honda teased a series of images for a new CBX.   The motorcycle community took notice.  We said


A cafe racer/sport bike with 6 pipes hanging out in the breeze.   Immediately, we had flash backs to MJF drooling over a jacked up import truck.   Of the perfect BMX bike for rolling off a weelie that went on for 3 blocks.   Crank up the Van Halen and lets get this baby out !

We can dream.  Until its live, we can seek out the old CBX bikes that still like to flash us and then raise their Ray-Ban’s up with a kiss.