Midlife Magnet

One of the joys of riding something as old as you are is that it attracts attention.   Motorcycles in general attract attention.  They are a magnet.  Jump on a 20,30,40+ year old bike and you will get some attention.    The midlifer will see you in his visual field and immediately start talking with his wife or kids in the car that  they recalled that very bike from their youth.

Much like a North pole to a South pole, you will attract.

Motorcycles are a magnet for smiles and stories.   If you also believe what you see on Instagram, you’d believe they are a magnet for scantily clad , tattooed fitness models who just cant get enough seat time.   MIGHT be just a good way to keep people scrolling..

One of the joys from this magnetism is that it gets you into a new element.  Into a different , open and free, world.  Strangers are happy to share moments and memories.  Stories that only you will hear.   Magnet for life’s moments.

Attract or Repel

Some people prefer to go through life with a North Pole to North Pole vibe.  Repelling the shit out of everyone they come into contact with.

You might not realize it, but every day you’re close to not being here on this big blue ball.   Time is flying by and there is not much you can do about it.    You can go through life with your magnet pushing people away or you can use your magnet to attract the joys in life.  The happy , sharing moments that stick with you .

The next time you see a fellow midlifer out there on the open road, taking in the fresh air, the sunshine, throw him (or her) a big smile and wave.   Keep riding and stay safe.  Just dont take each and every moment for granted.