March is Brain Injury Awareness Month

Spring is JUST about ready to jump into gear . You are screaming to get back on the bike and twist that throttle. Before you do, take a moment and understand the most at risk thing you have while riding. Your noggin. Your cranium. The brain. March is brain injury awareness month. Before you head out. Check your safety .

Check your safety. Have you done your systems check? Tires ok? Chain in good shape? How are those brakes?? How is your helmet?? (DONT HAVE ONE??!)

Each year, millions of children and adults are impacted by head injury. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be a life altering issue. Wearing a helmet can reduce the likelihood of both death and brain injury. Check out this report from the NHTSA for some telling stats on age, helmet use, severity of brain injury, and geography.

The STIGMA of wearing a helmet is going away. Little by little. Wearing a helmet is not about overdoing your gear. Its not about pulling off a covert persona. A helmet is designed for 1 thing. To protect. To protect from exposure. From exposure to wind, sand, bugs to face, and from your perfectly trimmed skullet going directly into that curb at 50 mph. You not only want to live to ride another day, but you want to remember the times you had with your kids, that favorite White Snake song, and even how to spell your name.

Think about why you DONT wear a helmet. Then think about the reasons you should .

Ride safe.