Challenges in life don’t run parallel to your goals, they intersect.

via Daily Prompt: Parallel

Intersections Are Dangerous





The relationship between motorcycle riding and general life is a parallel one.   However, the problems in both surface not by running parallel to events, but at intersections we approach.

We would like to think that we can deal with things as we journey along.  Taking in the sights and sounds , the faces, and the places as time moves forward.   The truth is, throughout life we deal with intersections that will give us a test of our resolve, self awareness, and patience.

On a motorcycle, approaching an intersection we flip into a self aware state.   Looking left, right, far, and near to gauge our safety risk .   Too often in our day to day lives, we journey through those intersections without much awareness.   In those intersections however instead of conflicts with other vehicles and pedestrian traffic, its interactions and communications that cross our path.

As we approach each intersection , each challenge, it would serve us well to take the same approach we do when riding on our motorcycles.   Looking left, looking right, far, and near.   Being self aware of what your actions  & responses will produce.   Approach too fast and your interaction will place the relationship or the meeting at risk.  Approach too slow and you may get run over by disinterest and a sense of apathy.

Be Self Aware

Self awareness, while crucial out on the motorcycle for obvious safety reasons, is extremely important for all of the other events in your life.    Things, events, interactions, and challenges do not run parallel, but intersect your every day.   As you approach each , much like the rider coming out on the other side of a dangerous intersection, you too will arrive at your destination in life by recognizing the other intersections you approach.   Those may be with your family, friends, coworkers, and even customers.

At the end of the day,  you want to make it home safe.