The three Rs that are scattered throughout Mayans MC

The Mayans season has ended.  This was an exciting week.   We had the midterm elections, nonstop negative news coverage and overblown ideals but we also had the final episode of Mayans MC.    This show has established its self to be a more mature drama than Sons of Anarchy.  The story line, the topics, and the acting.

Scattered among each episode are three things that stood out to me each week and helped to make Mayans MC stick with me.   It’s just cool.

The Rs

  1. Roadkill.   Each episode there are symbols of what is to happen and what might happen.   An open road that features a lone rider (or pack) coming up on an animal in the road.  Most of the time this animal is dead .   From a crow to an opossum, and finally a dog (that was seen in the first episode).    This has been a marque moment of each episode.   Coincidentally, i found a Sutter style rodent in my yard the day after the Mayans episode.
  2. Recall.    The story line involves a lot of back story.   One of the main characters, EZ, has a “beautiful mind” and during the stressful times, he has flashbacks to moments that caused him to be the man that he is. Moments that led up to him being put in prison and moments of serenity involving his past love.   These flashbacks are artistic and perfectly timed.
  3. Reyes.   The Sun in this first season has been the family.  The Reyes family.   A story of two brothers , their lonely but wise father, and the secrets they keep.   Much like the Teller family in Sons of Anarchy, the Reyes family will be one of the main draws in this story line.


If you are a fan of motorcycle dramas, or just dramas in general, be sure to check out Mayans MC on FX.

Since it was renewed for a 2nd season, you’ll see this story line continue to flow.


All In.    Keep riding .