Managing The Aches and Pains of Winter

the cold reality

We all seem to be stuck in what seems to be the most extreme winter we’ve seen in a while. Not only does that mean your poor baby sits idle which is a very painful thing to see day in an day out , but, if you’re like the rest us, the cold weather has caused you to become as sedentary as your bike and experience joint pain.

GS550 Motorcycle
Cold and exposed. The bones of the old GS550

If you have become sedentary and POSSIBLY put on some weight, you’re also highly likely to be complaining of those cold weather joint pains. Once you’ve hit midlife, your body will start talking to you. Especially in the winter months.

However, this is no time to let your seasonal depression and moto-withdrawal take over. There are things you can do to stay pain free and fight back against joint pain.

Take Steps Now

  1. Stay Active. Your body responds to what you put it through. If you’ve been sedentary, then your body will go into shut down mode.
  2. Lose some weight. Those added pounds from the holiday season and seasonal depression have taken their tole. Make small changes in your diet and start a light exercise routine. Even the smallest effort can set you on the right path. That whole “A journey of a thousand miles…” thing .
  3. Stretch. Many of us experience pain in our knees and back. Some of this is due to joint instability and tight muscles/tendons preventing your joints from working the way they are supposed to. Joint pain may be improved simply by regularly stretching.
  4. Consult with your local pharmacist about the best medicine for inflammation. Just beware that many pills come with a down side if used too often. Beware the pill.   Here are some do’s and don’ts from the helpful folks at WebMD when dealing with knee pain.

The snow will soon be melting and the open road will be calling your name. Get that bike back together and in good working order and take care of yourself. The road NEEDS you .