Top 3 Reasons Why You Keep Getting a Numb Hand

You know you’ve experienced it. That tingly finger’d , numb hand, burning sensation that seems to take over your hands after an extended period riding.


Lets be sure what its not

  1. You are going too slow
  2. The beard isnt long enough
  3. Your Day Drinking buzz is wearing off

There are a few things that can no doubt cause you to experience numbness in your hand(s).

  1. Your grip is too tight. In the spirit of exciting riding, sometimes we get caught up and forget we’re not playing a video game. Your DEATH GRIP on the throttle is causing excessive pressure through your wrist. Your nerves become pinched. RELAX!
  2. Your body posture is … OUT OF WHAAAAACK. Your seating position and your elbows are causing your angle of grip to place a constant strain on your nerves. If you’ve got an old pony like me, you might have to adjust your seating position, try different bars, or just make yourself stop every now and then to stretch out.
  3. Your gloves are too tight. Bikers love to be protected. Its a good thing , not a bad thing. That wrist strap however , if too tight… Well , you know where I’m going from here. Too tight across your wrist and you’ll speed up the numb hand effect.

Here are more tips on how to reduce hand numbness.

Ride safe out there. Be sure to give your body a break every now and then.