Just How Is Harley Davidson Doing To Start 2019?

Forget the past! This is a new year and Harley has reinvented its self into a global powerhouse with strong /rising sales and a Marvel Studios type climb to financial prosperity. The first quarter results will clear things up.


In prior posts, I described some optimism about the future based on recent Harley efforts. https://midlifemotoz.com/2018/07/24/harleys-2018-sprout-think-of-them-as-baby-groot/

They are trying at least. New models are rolling out and progressive technology is being developed. (EVEN ELECTRIC BICYCLES…..) Investments are being made. So what does HD have to show for it so far?? Lets look at the first quarter results for 2019

Q1 2019

1.Sales are down another 12.3%

2. Net Income is down 26.8%

3. HD is 7 BILLION in DEBT

Harley’s are cool. Lets just say that again. Harley Davidson bikes are COOL. However what most people think of when they talk about a Harley is an …. OLD Harley. The history and nostalgia that comes along with an old machine is what paints their mental image. The rumble ad honesty of a simple American machine.

As the story goes, its early in the game and there is a lot of time left. Who knows what Harley might pull out of their game plan as the year moves on.

A restructure. A downsize. A new image. A new storefront.

People LOVE the American motorcycle. They DONT love dropping 20K on what is , for many people, a past time. A hobby.

The motorcycle will continue to be a canvas. The cool factor will always be there, even if its on bikes that are 20, 30, or even 40 years old. Two wheels, two cylinders, and 1 rider . That’s the formula for a win. The first quarter results indicate that Harley has not yet turned the corner.

But will they ever??

Weather is warming up and roads are getting patched. Get out and ride that old bike!