Is your sunscreen safe ???

Sunscreen safety isn’t something you think you’ll need to worry about in 2019, but new information making the rounds may make you hesitant to you it. Its getting warmer and the roads are calling your name. You’re a smart rider and you know you need to lather up before you go. SMART RIDER.

Cue the dramatic NBC Nightly News music.


In a JAMA article on May 6, the effects of sunscreen application on blood was studied. The results included measures of certain chemicals that were beyond what was previously established as a safe threshold. Those chemicals included:

  1. Avobenzone
  2. Oxybenzone
  3. Octocrylene
  4. Ecamsule

The question arises , (If you haven’t already concluded your own fact and judgement), what impacts do these chemicals have on things like cancer and hormone balance/disruption. This is science in action. Its not a confirmation of a lack of sunscreen safety.

The one take away from this study is that more research is needed . Thats all Despite a likely Facebook page that says sunscreen causes your brain to shrink, your hair to turn orange, and your nose to swell. Understand WHERE your news comes from …

The risks of unprotected skin are known. Damage!

Aging of skin and skin cancer. Things that every rider should want to keep at bay.

The FDA and the authors want to emphasize that this study is NOT a call to stop using common sunscreens. If you do want to avoid using products containing these chemicals, they do exist.

Keep protecting that skin , whatever you choose to use. And if you’re looking for more info on protection from the sun, check out Harvard Health’s page