May Is Arthritis Awareness Month

Happy Arthritis Awareness Month! We are part way through the first chapter in this riding season and by now, you’re likely complaining about your back, hips, knees , and even hands. Arthritis is the friend you never knew you had. Just waiting to spend quality time with you.

Stare that buddy square in the eye.

With May being Arthritis Awareness Month, lets review some tips to manage your joints.

According to the CDC, roughly 15 million adults in the USA are dealing with the effects of arthritis. Even more interesting, almost HALF of those adults are physically inactive.

I can recall my grandparents, grunting and groaning to complete the smallest task. Usually that mean re-positioning themselves on the sofa. Unless your goal is to be a couch hugging , remote clicking , tv junky, its time to take control of your health. And since we are NOT giving up our motorcycles, physical activity is a must. In other posts, talked about both the risks of medicine and benefit of exercise.

For Arthritis Awareness Month, the CDC has outlined the most basic things that can help keep your joints moving and grooving.

  1. Walking
  2. Biking
  3. Swimming

The more you do, the more you can increase the effort or difficulty in the task. Muscle strength plays a huge role in the function of your joints. (And for keeping that Pan Head upright).

Check out the full Lifestyle Management Page for more detailed programs and resources.

Keep riding and stay active!