Graduation, Change, and Growing Up

Its graduation season. Its this time of year that we are all (at least midlifers) talking about a few things.

  1. Graduation
  2. Empty Nests
  3. Whats next

This year, for me anyway, presents those 3 things. With my last child graduating this week, there is a new chapter getting ready to take place. Midlife is in full swing.

What started out as a full house , has evolved into a half full house and soon to be mostly empty house. What do we do when our kids move on. We redecorate, take on a hobby, or even add to our bike collection.

Where there was once only one old , vintage GS550, there are now two. We all need an outlet. Many of us choose the two wheeled variety. As my last child has approached the next chapter and will soon take place in graduation, i too will be moving on to my next chapter as a bike owner. Something old and something new. Graduation to a bigger bike..

Its riding season as well as graduation season. Celebrate both!

Keep riding!