Tuning out the noise. Choose not to partake.

via Daily Prompt: Partake

Noise Is Everywhere

The week begins anew and with it a chance to take in a load of stimulation.  Television, radio, Twitter, and Facebook all overload us with noise.   The over stimulation that builds up , mostly negative, that causes our blood pressure to elevate, our tempers to flare and our wills to fade.    You have a choice each and every day to partake in this noise.   April is Stress Awareness Month, so be self aware.

One of the biggest challenges we have is finding a way to live by the motto:


Life is too short to allow yourself to get sucked into the negative conversations that go on around us.    Change the channel, turn off your phone, and step out side.  To not partake means to choose not to follow along with the negative.

You cant really shut it off 100%.  Not while keeping up with work and family obligations.   There are things you can do to keep the noise at a minimum.   Somewhat like noise canceling headphones that have become so popular on busy flights.

  1. Get some exercise.   Everyone is aware of the physical effects of exercise.   The psychological benefits should also be on your radar.   Regular daily exercise gives you a chance to off set the stress.
  2. Meditation.   10-15 minutes of simple meditation can have immediate effects on your heart rate, blood pressure, and even self confidence. There are many resources to help you with meditation like this one on Guided Meditation .
  3. Devote time to a hobby.  For me this is motorcycle based.   The simple machine with a simple set of controls never disappoints.   Turn the key,  push the button, and twist the throttle    The combination of the three produce an immediate stress release.    No phone calls and no distractions.    Riding doesn’t allow you to be distracted .   When you allow yourself to focus on something else , the stresses you had previously allowed to consume your life fade.

Get out , stay active, and ride more.